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Fact Finding Mission

Follow Me As I Lose Weight

Remember the Brady Bunch? In the 1950's, 60's and 70's we were trained to believe that beef was the best food we could be eating. I remember the Brady family on t.v. always coming home with lots of beef for meatloaf, burgers etc. It was the centerpiece of the meal. Now science is proving the opposite. Another one is olive oil.
All oils are 100% fat. They are mearely liquid at room temperature. It contains 9 calories per gram, while sugar has 4. That means that olive oil contains more than twice the calories per serving than sugar does. In fact, it is the most calorically dense food in nature. It is more easily stored as fat in the body. The body treats all fats as "reserve fuel," when you have insufficient carbohydrates to eat. These fats are stored in your adipose tissues, found mostly under the surface of your skin and surrounding your organs. On the other hand, sugar is stored in your muscles and liver as glycogen, or burned off as heat. Fat doesn't quiet your hunger while sugar tends to satisify the appetite by filling the body's carbohydrate needs and replenishing glycogen stores.  I am not saying sugar is good, just an example.
If we want our pets to have nice skin and coat we are instructed to add a little oil to their food. It makes their coat shine but would we look like the picture of health with greasy hair and skin.

I respect Dr. McDougall and his program. I have studied what I can from his books and I am not wanting to plagerize anything he has written. In my website I will be using parts of his book so as to word it best as he has done. Thank you Dr. McDougall for your books and information. I hope this is uplifting to you and your program and nothing negative. For more information on Dr. McDougall and his program go to his website at www.drmcdougall.com