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Why I decided to use McDougalls

Follow Me As I Lose Weight

I am 47 years old. I am going to start my new diet June 8, 2009. I decided to start on Monday after planning my menus and getting through the weekend. I am usually motivated at first with diets and then burn out quickly. I have decided to give the McDougall diet a genuine try. I hope to eventually go to California to the 10 day live in program offered by Dr. McDougall and take my 20 year old son with me. I believe it will be very helpful. I plan to start a fund to help pay for that, especially for my son.
Why did I choose the McDougall diet? I am an EMT 1991 and board Eligible Paramedic since 1994. I study what I can, and the more I thought about what to eat, the more I figured that I should look around the world at how we all eat. Which country has the longest lifespan? the least heart disease and strokes?  As per Nationmaster.com, The United States ranked 47th, with Asian countries at the top. So it would make sense to me to look further into the staple of their diets. Countries with the longest life expectancy ate starch based diets. Consisting of rice, potatoes, whole grains, fruits and veges. Starches, imagine that. On many of the popular diets here in the United States we are warned to stay away from potatoes, rice, corn... Carbohydrates are a no-no. I decided to look into this further. One such diet I found was the McDougall diet written by John McDougall, a Dr. in Santa Rosa California. He has written several books on weight loss, healthy eating and women's health. I find his diet interesting since it seems to go against the way many diets are teaching now. Many such diets forbid many veges and you are prompted to eat meats and bacon, high in fat. I have decided that along with weight loss, I desire good health. If I lose the desired amount of weight, I want to feel as good as I want to look.


I respect Dr. McDougall and his program. I have studied what I can from his books and I am not wanting to plagerize anything he has written. In my website I will be using parts of his book so as to word it best as he has done. Thank you Dr. McDougall for your books and information. I hope this is uplifting to you and your program and nothing negative. For more information on Dr. McDougall and his program go to his website at www.drmcdougall.com